Mutualist.Org: Free Market Anti-Capitalism

Notes Chapter Nine
Homebrew Industrial Revolution
Anarchist Theory of Organizational Behavior
Articles and Essays
Suggested Reading
Mutualist Political Economy

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1. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, System of Economical Contradictions or, The Philosophy of Misery. Translated by Benjamin Tucker (Boston: Benjamin R. Tucker, 1888) 232-3.

2. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, On the Political Capacity of the Working Classes (1865), in Selected Writings of Proudhon. Edited by Stewart Edwards. Translated by Elizabeth Fraser (Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor, 1969) 117]

3. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century. Translated by John Beverly Robinson (New York: Haskell House Publishers, Ltd., 1923, 1969 [1851]) 112-5.

4. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, The Principle of Federation. Translated by Richard Vernon (Toronto, Buffalo, London: University of Toronto Press, 1979 [1863]) 37-8.

5. Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution 133.

6. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Political Contradictions (1863-4), in Selected Writings 117.

7. Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution 126, 245-6.

8. Ibid. 243.

9. Brian A. Dominick, "An Introduction to Dual Power Strategy," Captured Aug. 21, 2004.

10. Peter Staudenmaier, "Anarchism and the Cooperative Ideal," The Communitarian Anarchist 1:1.

11. Jonathan Simcock, "Editorial for Current Edition," Total Liberty 1:3 (Autumn 1998) Captured August 22, 2004.

12. Proudhon, Political Capacity of the Working Class, in Selected Writings 177.

13. Qt. In Larry Gambone, For Community: The Communitarian Anarchism of Gustav Landauer (Montreal: Red Lion Press, 2001)

14. Proudhon, Political Capacity of the Working Class, in Selected Writings 180-1.

15. James J. Martin, Men Against the State: The Expositors of Individualist Anarchism in America, 1827-1908 (Colorado Springs: Ralph Myles, Publisher, Inc., 1970) 249.

16. Dominick, "Introduction to Dual Power Strategy."

17. Ibid.

18. Ken MacLeod, The Star Fraction (published as part of The Fall Revolution trilogy) (New York: SFBC, 1995, 2001) 244.

19. Benjamin Tucker, "Protection, and Its Relation to Rent," Liberty October 27, 1888, in Benjamin Tucker, Instead of a Book, By a Man Too Busy to Write One. Gordon Press facsimile (New York: 1973 [1897]) 329.

20. Ed Stamm. "Anarchists Condemn Anti-WTO Riots," The Match! #25 (Spring 2000) 5.

21. I won‘t get into the ideologically charged and fruitless polemical dispute over whether an anarcho-capitalist can legitimately claim the individualist anarchist label.

22. Gambone, For Community.

23. Murray Rothbard, "Confiscation and the Homestead Principle," The Libertarian Forum (June 15, 1969) 3.

24. Murray Rothbard, "How and How Not to Desocialize," The Review of Austrian Economics 6:1 (1992) 77.

25. Benjamin Tucker, "Voluntary Co-Operation," Liberty, May 24, 1890, in Tucker, Instead of a Book 104-5.

26. Benjamin Tucker, "State Socialism and Anarchism," in Ibid. 13.

27. Roderick T. Long, "Dismantling Leviathan From Within," Part II: The Process of Reform. Formulations 3:1 (Autumn 1995) Captured August 21, 2004.

28. Chris Matthew Sciabarra, Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism (University Park, Penn.: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000) 88.

29. Arthur Silber, "In Praise of Contextual Libertarianism," The Light of Reason, November 2, 2003 Captured August 21, 2004.

30. Roderick T. Long, "Toward a Libertarian Theory of Class," Social Philosophy & Policy 15:2 (1998) 313.

31. From The Machinery of Freedom, qt. in Ibid. 327.

32. Ibid. 287.

33. Keith Preston, "Conservatism is Not Enough: Reclaiming the Legacy of the Anti-State Left," American Revolutionary Vanguard Captured August 22, 2004.

34. David De Leon, The American as Anarchist: Reflections on Indigenous Radicalism (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978) 131.

35. The People’s Bicentennial Commission, Common Sense II: The Case Against Corporate Tyranny (New York: Bantam, 1975).

36. Brian Doherty, "Libertarians and Greens: Room for Alliance?" Reason Online Hit & Run, August 2, 2004 Captured August 21, 2004. See especially the comments.

37. Long, "Toward a Libertarian Theory of Class" 304.

38. Ibid. 310.

39. Larry Gambone, "An Anarchist Strategy Discussion," Captured August 22, 2004.

40. See also Larry Gambone, Sane Anarchy (Montreal: Red Lion Press, 1995).

41. Gambone. "What is Anarchism?" Total Liberty 1:3 (Autumn 1998) Captured August 22, 2004.

42. Sciabarra, Total Freedom 226.

43. See, for example, "V. Separation of Law and State," in Keith Preston’s "Philosophical Anarchism and the Death of Empire" American Revolutionary Vanguard Captured August 22, 2004.

44. Rothbard, "Confiscation and the Homestead Principle," 3-4.

45. Dominick, "Introduction to Dual Power Strategy."

46. Karl Hess and David Morris, Neighborhood Power: The New Localism (Boston: Beacon Press, 1975) 91-3.

47. David Ronfeldt, The Zapatists "Social Netwar" in Mexico. MR-994-A (Santa Monica: Rand, 1998).

48. Proudhon, The Political Capacity of the Working Classes, in Selected Writings 62.

49. Pierre Joseph Proudhon, Theory of Property (1863-4), in Selected Writings 63

50. Mikhail Bakunin, "After the Revolution: Marx Debates Bakunin," quoted in Roderick Long, "Toward a Libertarian Theory of Class" 320.

51. Ursula LeGuin, The Dispossessed (New York: Harper Paperbacks, 1974).

52. Michael Seidman, "Towards a History of Workers’ Resistance to Work: Paris and Barcelona during the French Popular Front and the Spanish Revolution, 1936-38" Captured August 10, 2001.

53. Robert Michels, Political Parties. Translated by Eden Paul and Cedar Paul (New York: The Free Press, 1962) 70-1.

54. Max Nomad, "Karl Marx--Anti-Bourgeois or Neo-Bourgeois?" reproduced at Collective Action Notes Captured August 10, 2001.

55. Karl Hess, "Where are the Specifics?" Libertarian Forum (June 15, 1969) 2.

56. Samuel Edward Konkin, New Libertarian Manifesto Second Edition (Koman Publishing, 1983). Unauthorized edition online at Anarchist Library Captured February 16, 2002. Chapter I.

57. Karl Hess, "Where Are the Specifics?" 2.

58. Roderick Long, "A Plea for Public Property" Formulations 5:3 (Spring 1998) Captured August 21, 2004.

59. Carlton Hobbs, "Common Property in Free Market Anarchism: A Missing Link" Captured August 21, 2004.

60. See his website, Mutualize!, at

61. Proudhon, The Principle of Federation 45-7.

62. Proudhon, System of Economical Contradictions 232-3.

63. Benjamin Tucker, "Relation of the State to the Individual," Liberty, November 15, 1890, in Tucker, Instead of a Book 25.

64. Benjamin Tucker, "More Questions," Liberty, January 28, 1888, in Tucker, Instead of a Book 62.

65. Benjamin Tucker, "Tu-Whit! Tu-Whoo!" Liberty, October 24, 1885, in Tucker, Instead of a Book 55-8; "Rights and Duties Under Anarchy," Liberty, December 31, 1887, in Ibid. 58-60; "More Questions," in Ibid. 61-2; "Property Under Anarchism," Liberty, July 12, 1890, in Ibid. 312.

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